What Do Civil Engineers Do?
Many of the things we take for granted in our daily lives involve engineers. From the buildings where we work and live to the streets that get us to and from these places, engineers play an important part in the design, creation, and maintenance of almost everything. There are many different disciplines of engineering. Many of us are familiar with the titles of mechanical, environmental, or civil engineer to name a few. Each discipline focuses on a specific type of engineering. Because the field of engineering is so vast, a common question is, “What do civil engineers do?”
An ASCE video explains, “Civil engineering is everywhere!” This video introduces three different engineers as they describe projects implemented to help communities. These engineers make a positive difference through clean water projects and the development of a new type of structure that increases safety.
What do civil engineers do to help cities?
Civil engineers work with municipalities in multiple ways. An example is the partnership between OEI and the City of Garland, Texas. OEI previously completed projects improving storm drainage infrastructure. Our engineering team will continue to make a positive impact on this community with a new project that increases storm drainpipes and inlets while replacing affected roadways. Providing effective water resource management increases safety and provides sustainable solutions to the City of Garland’s storm water management needs.
OEI Municipal Services
Each community is faced with different engineering challenges that impact the environment and the lives of residents. OEI’s civil engineering team works with city officials to create solutions to complex infrastructure challenges, providing a safe and sustainable community.
In addition to water resource management infrastructure, engineering, and design, the OEI team provides:
- Facility Condition Assessments
- Horizontal and Vertical Facilities
- Engineering
- Program and Project Management
- Construction Phase Services
- Hydraulics/ Hydrology/ Hydrodynamics
- Dam Engineering, Levee Safety, and Water Rights Permits
- Floodplain Services
- Erosion Control and Creek/Stream Bank Slope Stability
- Local Street and Alley Reconstruction Design
- Storm Sewer Analysis and Design
- Water Distribution and Wastewater Collection Design
- Strategic Regulatory Permitting, Regulatory Coordination/Approvals
- Site Development
- And more
Our long-term municipal relationships continue to serve the residents of North Texas and beyond. If you represent a municipality, contact OEI today to start the process of creating sustainable infrastructure for your community.