One Water. Solved.
Environmental engineers face four major water resource management challenges in Texas. If these challenges are not overcome Texas will experience a water crisis. OEI’s President says these challenges can work together to solve the Texas water resource management problem.
Did you know the average cost to design and build a new reservoir is $1 billion? These types of water resource management projects also take around 50 years to complete. In addition to time and money there are also environmental and social effects to take into consideration.
The Four Water Resource Management Challenges
- Droughts. Seasons of low precipitation threaten the water supply of Texas by creating high demand for stored water resources.
- Floods. Floods cause extensive damage leading to the loss of billions of dollars and loss of life.
- Aquifer Depletion. The largest aquifer in Texas is depleting. The remaining groundwater resources in the state are brackish and cannot be used for drinking water.
- Aging Dams. Texas has many dams but most lack the necessary funds for maintenance.
The Solution
OEI President Jim O’Brien has a potential patent pending solution. This solution is a water grid system that manages water through the entire process from rainfall to resource use and treatment.
Few of the existing dams in Texas are used for flood control or a water supply. By creating a statewide water grid aging dams can be adapted to reduce flooding and produce a water supply.
The revenue created from this supply can be used to maintain the system and pay for its initial design and construction.
Flood water can also be used to replenish aquifer levels. With proper water resource management these replenished levels can create sustainable water resources.
Get Involved
Jim O’Brien’s revolutionary fourfold solution to Texas water resource management challenges is called One Water. Solved. Visit the website to see the latest developments and news surrounding partnerships and limited-scope trials. Learn what you can do to build a Texas Water Grid that will protect Texans for generations and provide much-needed water independence. Or, contact us today to find out what’s needed to keep the plan moving forward.