Drinkable Water
Did you know that only about one percent of the earth’s water is drinkable?
The government sets standards of water quality that need to be met to determine if water is safe to drink. Drinkable water also called potable water is not just for consumption. It is also used for preparing food, irrigation, and cleaning. If water resources continue to be used as trends suggest there will be a significant Texas water shortage.
The Biggest Water Problem
The Texas Water Development Board reports that, “Without additional supplies, approximately one-third of Texas’ population would have less than half of the municipal water supplies they will require in 2070.”
The analysis done by OEI shows four main challenges to water supplies in Texas.
- Droughts create higher demand on stored water resources.
- Uncontrolled floods cause extensive damage and loss.
- Texas aquifers are running low and other water sources are unsuitable for drinking.
- Appropriate funds are not available to maintain aging dams.
One Water. Solved.
OEI President Jim O’Brien created a patent-pending water management solution to this impending crisis. This fourfold system addresses each challenge and creates a new water grid that follows the entire process from rainfall to use, treatment, and storage.
Texas water planning currently starts on a local level. Each water plan focuses on historical data but is updated every five years to include climate change. These plans only look at local trends and needs, then water planning is analyzed on regional and finally the state level.
By changing water planning law to a statewide system, resources can be used more effectively to capture rainfall to recharge aquifers. Water from flooded areas can be stored and moved to areas of drought. The adaptation of aging dams to this statewide system will also create revenue to be used for maintenance.
For more information on OEI solution to the Texas water shortage read the full article here: https://obrieneng.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/07/Texas-Water-Management-A-Fourfold-Solution-OBrien-Engineering-Inc.-1.pdf